How to remove print on t-shirts?

If you have a t shirt with a print that you don’t like or want to change, you might be wondering how to remove it without damaging the fabric. There are different methods that you can try depending on the type of print and the material of your t shirt. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Nail polish remover: This works well for prints that are made of vinyl or rubber and that were heat transferred to the t-shirt. You will need a towel, a wet cloth, an iron, and a knife. First, place the towel inside the t-shirt under the print and put the wet cloth over the print. Then, iron over the wet cloth until it is dry and the print is melted. Next, use the knife to scrape off the print carefully. Finally, wash and dry your t-shirt as usual.
  • Sugar scrub: This works well for prints that are made of ink or dye and that are not too old or faded. You will need sugar, water, a bowl, a spoon and a toothbrush. First, mix some sugar and water in a bowl to make a thick paste. Then, apply the paste over the print and scrub it with the toothbrush in circular motions. Repeat this until the print is gone or faded enough. Finally, wash and dry your t shirt as usual.
  • Fading the design: This works well for prints that are made of ink or dye and that are old or faded already. You will need bleach, water, a spray bottle, a hanger and a sunny spot. First, dilute some bleach with water in a spray bottle and shake it well. Then, hang your t shirt on a hanger and spray some bleach solution over the print lightly. Next, leave your t shirt in a sunny spot for a few hours or until the print is faded enough. Finally, wash and dry your t shirt as usual.

These are some of the ways to remove the print on t shirt at home. However, be careful when using these methods as they might damage your t shirt or cause skin irritation. Always test a small area first and wear gloves when handling chemicals. If you are not sure how to remove the print on your t shirt safely, you might want to consult a professional or buy a new one instead.


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